R E V I E W: Genetic Diversity: Detection of Gene Variation at the DNA Level and Utilization of Gene Markers on Locating QTLs




Advanced techniques of molecular biology have provided the opportunity to study genetic diversity within and among
breeds at the single gene level. Many DNA markers, either of genomic DNA or cytoplasmic DNA, have been generated
recently by utilizing molecular techniques, such as RFLP, microsatellites, PCR-RFLP, RAPD, sequencing etc. PCR-based
techniques have recently progressed rapidly for the detection of both known- and unknown-mutation detections that may be
applied in locating gene marker for economically important traits. There are basically two different approaches of locating
quantitative trait loci (QTLs), candidate gene and random approaches. The first approach is based on prior supporting
knowledge of physiological and biochemical evidence, showing that the gene is involved in the trait(s) of interest, while the
random marker approach attempts to locate gene markers by measuring genotypes at a large number of loci with unknown
phenotypic effects, in the hope that the loci are linked to a QTL influencing the trait of interest.
© 2003 Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNS Surakarta

Key words: gene variation, QTLs, gene marker.


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