Rice cultivar selection in an agroforestry system through GGE-biplot and EBLUP




Abstract. Alam T, Suryanto P, Supriyanta, Basunanda P, Wulandari RA, Kastono D, Widyawan MH, Nurmansyah, Taryono. 2021. Rice cultivar selection in an agroforestry system through GGE-biplot and EBLUP. Biodiversitas 22: 4750-4757. Genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI) causes differences in the productivity of rice cultivars in agroforestry systems. For this reason, the stability of rice cultivars is an important aspect that should be considered before a cultivar is recommended to farmers. Superior genotypes and ideal environments are commonly identified using two statistical models, namely, genotype–genotype-by-environment biplot (GGE-biplot) and empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP). In this study, 15 rice cultivars were evaluated in terms of their productivity and stability in three soil types (Lithic Haplusterts, Ustic Epiaquerts, and Vertic Haplustalfs) in an agroforestry system with kayu putih (Melaleuca cajuputi) in 2019 and 2020 at the Menggoran Forest Resort, Playen Forest Section, Yogyakarta Forest Management District, Indonesia. The cultivars were treated as random effects to select and obtain the EBLUP of the best cultivars in each soil type. The EBLUP revealed that Situ Patenggang showed the highest yields of 4.887 and 5.456 tons ha?1 in Lithic Haplusterts and Vertic Haplustalfs, respectively. GM 28 exhibited the highest yield of 6.492 tons ha?1 in Ustic Epiaquerts. Ciherang, GM 2, GM 8, GM 11, GM 28, Inpari 6 Jete, Inpari 33, IR-64, and Way Apo Buru were classified as stable and fairly stable cultivars, whereas the other cultivars were unstable. Therefore, rice cultivars with high yields in specific soil types should be selected.


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