Short communication: Variations in leaf morphological characters of Shorea leprosula in progeny trial stand of a logging concession in Kalimantan, Indonesia
Indonesia has the highest distribution of Dipterocarpaceae members, and Shorea leprosula is one of the species that has a natural hybrid in its habitat. Furthermore, the members have intermediate morphological character with the neighboring species, Shorea curtisii. This study aimed to investigate the morphological variations of Shorea leprosula Miq. Progeny trial in PT Sari Bumi Kusuma. The morphological level of 72 Shorea leprosula in PT Sari Bumi Kusuma was identified through sampling. Furthermore, macroscopic and microscopic observations were conducted, and the measurement data were analyzed using cluster and principal component analyses to explain the morphological variable contribution. The results showed leaf architecture variations in laminar shape, apex shape, base shape, and midrib thickness category. The cluster analyses classified the samples into four cluster groups and they consist of a notophyll leaf size category with a rounded base. Meanwhile, the second group consists of an ellipse laminar shape with medium midrib thickness, and the third has an oblong laminar with an obtuse apex shape. The fourth group has a notophyll leaf size category with an obtuse base. The principal component analysis showed that the base shape has the highest contribution to diversity in the samples.