Population dynamics of blood clams Tegillarca granosa in Kendari Bay, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia




Abstract. Bahtiar, Purnama MF, Kasim M, Ishak E. 2022. Population dynamics of blood clams Tegillarca granosa in Kendari Bay, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5084-5092. Blood clams (Tegillarca granosa) are bivalves found in the intertidal areas of ??Kendari Bay which are subjected to ecological stresses. Therefore, this study aims to determine the population dynamics of blood clams in Kendari Bay, Southeast Sulawesi, in terms of their size structure, growth, mortality, and exploitation level from March 2018-February 2019. The samples were collected with scoop nets in ten 5x5 m2 transects. Water quality parameters were monitored every sampling period. The length of the shells was measured using a caliper with an accuracy of 0.05 mm. The data were processed using the Bhattacharya method, inverse von Bertalanffy model, length-converted catch curve, and Pauly's empirical data, respectively. All of the methods were accommodated in the FiSAT II version 3.0 program. Results showed that the blood clams were divided into 2-3 size categories, namely young adult, adult, and old age, where the most dominant was the adult size group. The growth pattern of the samples was based on the equation Lt = [6.67-(6.67-0.025)] e-0.72t. The majority of the blood clams were distributed in the 1-2 years age group. Natural, fishing and total mortalities (Z) of the blood clams were 2.18 yr-1, 0.29yr-1, and 3.09yr-1, respectively, with an exploitation rate (E) of 0.29 (underexploited).


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