The ability of potassium-solubilizing fungi isolated from leucite potassium rock deposits




Abstract. Anwar AR, Ala A, Kuswinanti T, Syam’un E. 2022. The ability of potassium-solubilizing fungi isolated from leucite potassium rock deposits. Biodiversitas 23: 6579-6586. Present investigation was aimed to explore the potassium-dissolving ability of some indigenous fungi living in Indonesian leucite tuffs from volcanic rock members of Camba Formation in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi Province. There are no such findings on potassium-solubilizing fungi from South Sulawesi Province. The recent study isolated some fungi strains from the rhizosphere of vegetation found in the potassium rock deposits using Alexandrov media. A total of 22 fungal strains were isolated and tested for their ability to dissolve potassium bound to the potassium carrier minerals, qualitatively and quantitatively. Production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) were also measured to test the ability of the fungus to produce growth regulator compounds. Fungal isolates with the highest dissolution index (IP) values were MgT1Pb, RgGc, PT3Pe, PT3Pa, JbT2Pa, JbT2Pd, and JbT2Pp. The highest amount of exchangeable potassium (K-exch.) was JbT2Pa with the amount of 919.8 ppm and MgT1Pb of 69.33 ppm. The isolate capable of producing the highest IAA was PsT2Pe at 6.820 ppm while the RgGd isolates resulted in the highest production of GA3 hormone at 4.116 ppm.


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Iradhatullah Rahim, Suherman, H. (2019). Produksi Hormon Giberelin Dari Cendawan Pelapuk Asal Tanaman Kakao. Prosiding Seminar Nasional 2019 Sinergitas Multidisiplin Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi , Vol . 2 , 2019 , ISSN?: 2622-0520, 2, 26–27.
Kasana, R. C., Panwar, N. R., Chandra Bhushan Pandey, U. B., & Kumar, P. (2017). Isolation and Identification of Two Potassium Solubilizing Fungi from Arid Soil. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(3), 1752–1762.
Kholida, F. T., & Zulaika, E. (2015). Potensi Azotobacter sebagai Penghasil Hormon IAA (Indole-3-Acetic Acid). Jurnal Sains Dan Seni Its, 4(2), 75–77.
Lian, B., Wang, B., Pan, M., Liu, C., & Teng, H. H. (2008). Microbial release of potassium from K-bearing minerals by thermophilic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(1), 87–98.
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Meena, V. S., Maurya, B. R., Verma, J. P., Aeron, A., Kumar, A., Kim, K., & Bajpai, V. K. (2015). Potassium solubilizing rhizobacteria (KSR): Isolation, identification, and K-release dynamics from waste mica. Ecological Engineering, 81, 340–347.
Muksin, I., Kusdarto, Marza, R D. (2014). Eksplorasi Umum Batuan Kalium Di Kecamatan Barru Dan Tanete Rilau Kabupaten Barru,Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Prooceeding Pemaparan Hasil-hasil Kegiatan Lapangan. Pusat Sumberdaya Geologi.
Mutmainnah, L., Setiawati, T. C., & Mudjiharjati, A. (2013). INVENTARISASI DAN UJI KEMAMPUAN PELARUTAN KALIUM OLEH MIKROBA PELARUT KALIUM DARI RHIZOSFER TANAMAN TEBU ( Saccharum sp .) Rhizosphere of Sugarcane Plant ( Saccharum sp .). x, 1–6.
Pachaiyappan, S., & B., J. (2007). Solubilization of Potassium containing minerals by bacteria and their effect of plant growth. World Journal of Agriculture Science, 3(3), 350–355.
Patil, N. B., Gajbhiye, M., Ahiwale, S. S., Gunjal, A. B., & Kapadnis, B. P. (2011). Optimization of Indole 3 ­ acetic acid ( IAA ) production by Acetobacter diazotrophicus L1 isolated from Sugarcane. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2(1), 295–302.
Patten, C. L., & Glick, B. R. (2002). Regulation of indoleacetic acid production in Pseudomonas putida GR12-2 by tryptophan and the stationary-phase sigma factor RpoS. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 48(7), 635–642.
Prajapati, K., Sharma, M. ., & Modi, H. . (2012). Isolation of two potassium solubilizing fungi from ceramic industry soils. Life Sciences Leaflet, 5(January 2012), 71–75.
Pratama, D., Anas, I., & Suwarno. (2016). Ability of potassium-solubilissing microbes to solubilise feldspar and their effects on sorghum growth. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, 20, 163–175.
Rahim I; Tutik Kuswinanti; Laode Asrul; Burhanuddin; Rasyid; (2015). Growth Rate and Indole Acetic Acid Production of Several Fungal Rot Isolates. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4(6), 1636–1638.
Rajawat, M. V. S., Singh, S., & Saxena, A. K. (2014). A new spectrophotometric method for quantification of potassium solubilized by bacterial cultures. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 52(3), 261–266.
Rogers, J. R., Bennett, P. C., & Choi, W. J. (1998). Feldspars as a source of nutrients for microorganisms. American Mineralogist, 83(11-12 PART 2), 1532–1540.
S.Sindu, S., Dua, S., M.K.Verma, & Khandelwal, A. (2010). Growth Promotion of Legumes by Inoculation of Rhizosphere Bacteria. In Microbes for Legume Improvement (Issue July).
Sattar, A., Naveed, M., Ali, M., Zahir, Z. A., Nadeem, S. M., Yaseen, M., Meena, V. S., Farooq, M., Singh, R., Rahman, M., & Meena, H. N. (2019). Perspectives of potassium solubilizing microbes in sustainable food production system: A review. Applied Soil Ecology, 133(July), 146–159.
Sembiring, M., & Sabrina, T. (2022). Diversity of potassium solving microbes on andisol soil affected by the eruption of Mount Sinabung, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 23(4), 1759–1764.
Setiawati, T. C., & Mutmainnah, L. (2016). Solubilization of Potassium Containing Mineral by Microorganisms From Sugarcane Rhizosphere. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 9, 108–117.
Usha, S., & Padmavathi, T. (2013). Effect of plant growth promoting microorganisms from rhizosphere of Piper nigrum L. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, 4(1), 835–846.

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