Short Communication: Biological control agent for Spodoptera litura on vegetable plants




Abstract. Damiri N, Pujiastuti Y, Mulawarman, Astuti DT, Afriani SR, Rahim SE. 2022. Short Communication: Biological control agent for Spodoptera litura on vegetable plants. Biodiversitas 23: 2609-2613. This study aimed to assess the population dynamics of Bacillus thuringiensis and its potency as a bio-agent against Spodoptera litura. The field study was conducted in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Isolation and exploration of B. thuringiensis were carried out by taking the soil around the roots or rhizosphere of the fruit plants. The results showed that 13 isolates of B. thuringiensis, i.e., 1 isolate from Lansium domesticum (D1), 3 isolates from Artocarpus heterophyllus (N1,2,3), 1 isolate from Averrhoa carambola (B1), 4 isolates from Nephelium lappaceum (R1,2,3,4), 1 isolate from Musa paradisiaca (P1), 1 isolate from Mangifera indica (M1), 1 isolate from Garcinia mangostana (M2) and 1 isolate from Psidium guajava (JB1) were isolated from the rhizosphere of various fruit tree. The screening test results showed that isolates R2 and R3 had the highest toxicity, i.e., 51.14 and 50.77%, respectively, in controlling S. litura on vegetable plants.


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