The pre-weaning growth of lambs from crossbreeding between Garut ewes with Dorper rams
Abstract. Athifa IR, Sari APZNL, Maharani D, Budisatria IGS, Bintara S, Noor YG, Hidayat R, Panjono. 2022. The pre-weaning growth of lambs from crossbreeding between Garut ewes with Dorper rams. Biodiversitas 23: 5738-5743. This study was aimed at determining the productivity of lamb from mating between Garut ewes and Dorper rams. The animals used were 108 sheep. A total of 98 heads of Garut ewes were randomly divided into two groups; the first group was mated with Dorper rams (5 heads), while the second group was mated with Garut rams (5 heads) as a control group. The data observed were birth weight, weaning weight, average daily gain (ADG), reproduction index (RI), and productivity index (PI). The data were analyzed with an independent sample T-Test. Birth weight, weaning weight, and ADG of Garut and Dorper crossbred lambs were 2.20±0.54 and 2.60±0.71 kg; 14.91±3.57 and 16.27±3.69 kg; and 90.21±32.11 and 119.12±42.64 g/day, respectively. Pre-weaning growth of Dorper-crossed lambs was higher (P<0.05) than those of Garut lambs. The RI and PI of Garut ewes mated with Garut and Dorper rams were 3.15±1.38 and 2.87±1.33 head/year; and 32, 10±15.53 and 38.91±21.00 kg/year, respectively. The PI of ewes mated with Dorper rams was higher (P<0.05) than that of Garut ewes mated with Garut rams. It is concluded that the cross of the Garut ewes with the Dorper rams improved productivity by increasing the pre-weaning growth of the lambs.
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