Animals ethnozoology as traditional medicine in the Dayak Tamambaloh Tribe, Labian Ira'ang Village, Kapuas Hulu District, Indonesia
Abstract. Supiandi MI, Syafruddin D, Gandasari A, Mahanal S, Zubaidah S. 2023. Animals ethnozoology as traditional medicine in the Dayak Tamambaloh Tribe, Labian Ira'ang Village, Kapuas Hulu District, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 26-33. The Dayak Tamambaloh community in Labian Ira'ang Village, Kapuas Hulu District, Indonesia, is a community that has traditional knowledge of the use of fauna. However, at this time this knowledge has been reduced or relegated by the times and the use of animals and has never had a written document. This study aimed to obtain the types of animals used by the Dayak Tamambaloh people for treatment. The method used was a survey. Data was collected through literature studies, semi-structured interviews, and field observations. Data on using animals as traditional medicine was obtained from main informants, key informants, and recommendation informants. Data analysis was descriptive and qualitative, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results obtained 13 types of animals in 13 families that are used as traditional medicine by the Tamambaloh Dayak people. The types of animals used in traditional medicine were wanyi (Apis cerana), asu (Canis lupus familiaris), kandalak (Channa striata), panang (Clarias sp.), bunsok (Gekko gecko), dingkawat (Hipposideros larvatus), lati loman (Lumbricus terrestris), tangkiling (Manis javanica), takiung (Sulcospira testudinaria), manuk (Gallus gallus domesticus), ular sawa (Malayopython reticulatus), lundung (Monopterus albus), and beruang (Ursus thibetanus). Animal families used as traditional medicine were Apidae (1 spesies), Canidae (1 spesies), Channidae (1 spesies), Clariidae (1 spesies), Gekkonidae (1 spesies), Hipposideridae (1 spesies), Lumbricidae (1 spesies), Manidae (1 spesies), Pachychilidae (1 spesies), Phasianidae (1 spesies), Pythonidae (1 spesies), Synbranchidae (1 spesies), and Ursidae (1 spesies). The Dayak Tamambaloh people use meat, bile, scales, shells, egg whites, wax, and all parts of animals for traditional medicine.
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