Stomatal and epidermal characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten, Indonesia
Abstract. Windarsih G, Riastiwi I, Dewi AP. Yuriyah S. 2022. Stomatal and epidermal characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 5373-5386. The stomatal and epidermal characteristics can be used as additional evidence in plant taxonomy activity. The aim of the study was to identify the stomatal and epidermal characteristics of Zingiberaceae in Serang District, Banten, Indonesia. The samples used were 11 species of Zingiberaceae in Serang District region. The stomatal and epidermal collection was carried out using the replica technique. Based on the results, all species has brachyparatetracytic type of stomata, on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaf. The densities of stomata of all species observed on abaxial were higher than adaxial surface of the leaf. The stomatal density on adaxial surface of leaf between 1.71-4.43 stomata per unit leaf area of 171,602 µm2, while on abaxial 10.46-42.22 stomata per unit leaf area. The stomatal index on adaxial surface is between 1.34-6.97%, while on abaxial 7.54-30.25%. The length of guard cells on adaxial surface is between 30.30-47.85 µm, while on abaxial 29.86-50.68 µm. The width of guard cells on adaxial surface between 18.67-31.73 µm, while on abaxial 19.97-31.95 µm. The adaxial epidermal cells have a column, polygonal, or rectangular shapes, while the abaxial has poligonal or rectangular-shaped epidermal cells. The epidermal cells that are over leaf veins have polygonal or rectangular-shaped cells.
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